Legion of Mary

"Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array"
The Legion of Mary is a Catholic CCA in school, which focuses on the spiritual group and development of all Catholic students. Members meet up on a weekly basis for prayer and spiritual formation, taking inspiration and guidance from Mother Mary, as our role model to bring Christ to everyone around us.
The Legion of Mary in St. Patrick’s School is compulsory for all Sec 1 Catholic students to attend and participate in, so as to grow in brotherhood and ethos of the larger Catholic community in Singapore. We also assist in school Masses and conduct the Daily Chapel Morning Prayer. We also work with other Legion of Mary groups in other schools and churches in Singapore to host events such as the Annual General Reunion and the Acies - renewal of the Legion vows.
CCA Schedule
Fridays: 12.30 - 1.30pm
CCA Teachers-in-Charge
Mr Ang Darrenkane - ang_darrenkane@moe.edu.sg
Mr Michael Fredrick - michael_chandra_fredrick@moe.edu.sg